3 Financial things that will make a huge difference in your financial life

3 Financial things that will make a huge difference in your financial life
1. How to never, ever miss out on a Tax Deduction

Many people miss out on tax deductions, every year, because they:

  • Lose receipts
  • Forget about payments they make
  • Don’t thoroughly review their records at tax time
2. Your Financial World – Sorted!

If anything bad happened to you – would your spouse / partner / family know how to find and understand your financial life?

Would you like to get financially sorted? Bring your entire financial world into one place with real-time data feeds on all of your property, loans, super, investments, wills, insurance, banking and tax. You can easily see everything you need at once.

With all of your financial information securely stored in the cloud for easy access, you’ll never have to hunt through spreadsheets and filing cabinets again. And with access available on any device, at any time, keeping on top of everything will be easy.

Knowing where you are financially is the starting point to growing your wealth and making better decisions now so you can having an amazing financial future.

3. Where can your Important Papers and Passwords / Logins be found in case something happens to you?

Taking time to organise your important papers and records may be the best investment you ever make. It is important for all responsible members of the household and designated family members who live elsewhere, to know where papers or records are kept and who to contact for advice in case of an emergency.

Planning ahead can save time, stress and money if an emergency should arise or a death occur.